Personalising your voice

!mylang, !mygender, !mypitch, !myspeed, !myvoice, !mytitle, !myprefix


My gender can be used to set your gender. This is used to automatically choose which voice is most appropriate for you. You can override the automatic choice by using !myvoice.


!mygender female


My lang can be used to set your language. This is used to automatically choose which voice is most appropriate for you. You can override the automatic choice by using !myvoice.


!mylang en-au


Explicitly set the voice you'd like to use. This will override the settings set for !mylang and !mygender. For the list of supported voices see the talkbot voice database.

The voice database will provide you with search, samples to test each voice and the command to use that voice.

Example using an alias:

!myvoice Isla

Example using the voice code:

!myvoice fr-CA-Wavenet-A


Set the pitch you'd like to use, valid values are -20 to +20.


!mypitch 20

You can also use pitch inline using +++ directive and the --- directive. For example:

Hello +++world // higher
Hello ---world // deeper


Set the speed you'd like to use, valid values are 0.25 to 4.0. The default is 1.0.


!myspeed 0.25


Set the alternative to the title 'master' you'd like to use. The default is 'master'. Talkbot will refer to you using this title for any command where it would normally use the word 'master'.




Set the prefix for your voice messages you'd like to use. Once this is set you need to enable prefixing with !myprefix on.

In the example below all my voice messages read out by the bot will be prefixed with "Woot here,":

!myprefix set Woot here,
!myprefix on

Advanced: Prefixing your voice with sounds

You can use myprefix to prefix your voice with sounds using SSML.


!myprefix set <audio src="https:\/\/\/definite.mp3" clipEnd="0.5s" repeatCount="3" /> <break time="500ms"/>  you're now listening to the mighty fax:
!myprefix on

Clearing your settings

You can clear your settings back to defaults with !defaults

Last updated